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Dancing is done

I write this with a little sadness. Stars of the Eurobodalla: Dance for Cancer is done. All over. Months of fundraising like crazy, practicing our awesome little routine (that had sooo much meaning.) Spending lots of time with a beautiful new friend that I will stay connected with forever.

Have you ever poured everything into something and then when it's done, you are left feeling lost? But, I had such an amazing time on the night and tried really hard to 'dance like no one was watching.'

Kassi and myself raised over $9.3k for the Cancer Council and won the Highest Fundraiser Award. This leaves me feeling super proud. We danced well too and while we didn't win 'Judges Choice' we are winners in my eyes.

Our Dance reflected the stages that we as females often go through in our lives. It represented that we need to move away from self destructive behaviours and being unkind to others. We need to practice spreading kind vibes and self love to allow us to transform into our full and true potential and, when we can do that we should have our entourage there with us. Our true friends are the ones that have our backs and want to sit at our table (so to speak.) Or come up and join you for a flash mob!

Thank you to everyone for your support. I set a challenge for myself and was completely out of my comfort zone. I practiced, performed, made a beautiful friend and raised a shit load of money for the Cancer Council ohhh, and made myself proud and that feels pretty good!

Kimberli x

Watch our performance here

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