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Today I had to post a picture of someone who inspires me and who I model my confidence off. Why do they inspire me and why do I look up to them for confidence?

Day 6 of the Girlspo 30 day challenge is 'The key to a confident me.'This involves posting a pic of someone that inspires and helps me to be a more confident and better me. So I'm introducing my beautiful younger sisters. Kendall is on the left. She is funny, crazy, artistic, caring and compassionate. She is the founder of Kokoh Bikini (check out her stuff if you haven't already!!!) Kendall and I are very different people but never the less she inspires me everyday. She has taught herself everything she has needed to know about her business, followed her dreams to design and sell her beautiful bikinis and put herself out out on a limb in doing so. She has all the patience in the world with her amazing artistic ability. Kendall has learnt a few lessons the hard way but has been so resilient when she has felt like throwing it all in. She inspired me to actually make The Girl Campaign happen and persistently told me to stop talking about it and act on my passion of teaching young girls lifelong lessons in self love. I am far more confident in myself because of her. I speak to Kendall nearly everyday and think of her as being one of my best friends rather than just my sister. My youngest sister Farrah is on the right. She is one tough girl! It's a very long and emotional story but in summary Farrah was born with problems with her heart. She has had numerous operations and one of these resulted in brain damage. Farrah learnt to do everything again (talk, sit, walk and eat) when she was 4 years old. Farrah now lives independently and despite having a disability which still affects her everyday, she is positive,strong, compassionate and has a wicked sense of humour. I'm so inspired by Farrah as she has been through more than most people have had to in their lifetime and still remains optimistic and is able to shake it off. (Often better than the rest of the family!) She is a beautiful Aunty to the boys and I love that she is teaching them that diversity is important. Farrah often discretely gives me a reality check about things I may take for granted.


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