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For the ladies everywhere.Why The Girl Champagne?

My name is Kimberli. I am a 33 year old (almost 34.) I am a wife, a mother (to 2 beautiful boys), a teacher, a careers adviser, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a student and the founder of The Girl Campaign.

So why The Girl Champagne??? For 2 main reasons.

Firstly- I have ran so many of The Girl Campaign workshops and many of the participants mothers have asked 'When will you run one for us ladies? or "I wish this was around when I was younger!' and secondly because of my own personal struggles.

I have always been active. Possibly borderline obsessed with physical activity and sport. I injured my back in October last year and since then I have been struggling with my own body image and finding alternative 'me time'. 

I know some people want a reason not to exercise and exercise isn't everyone's cup of tea but not being able to exercise like I use to is like taking away a book lovers books, a movies lovers movies and a nanny nap lovers nanny naps. 

Confession time- I am a stress head. O.K, I am a major stress head. I stress about stressing. I take on too much. I have trouble saying 'no' , I need to be more assertive. I can be impatient. O.K, I am impatient. I'm that person that hits the button to cross the road ten times before the little green man appears. I worry about the small stuff. Some examples are 'What will they think about me?',  'Is my headache a brain tumor?' I have slight OCD (undiagnosed) which makes hanging the washing, getting dressed and packing a bag a lot more difficult then it needs to be! Lets just say I have to match everything.

I've wasted many a night anxious about the next day. I've had panic attacks. I have allowed myself to be treated unfairly. I sometimes simply care too much. I rush. I feel like my life can be ground hog day every single day. I mutter 'for fuck sakes' under my breath about my children. I feel like a bad mum at times-mostly due to feeling guilty or making comparisons to other mums. Someday's all I want is for 7pm to hurry up so I can tuck my kiddies in bed. Does this make me a bad person?

I have been concentrating on all of this stuff. Being Critical of myself. Focusing on all of the negatives. How busy I am, how stressed I am, how i'm getting more cellulite, how I don't want to wear a bikini this summer. How one days feels exactly like the one before and the one after. And to be honest, I'm stuck in a RUT.

I know that women everywhere (although circumstances may be different) feel some or even all of these feelings I have described. Are you just self surviving instead of self loving? Can you spread yourself everywhere? Life balance.... what even is that? Why as woman are we so good at nurturing others, that we forget to nurture ourselves?  I couldn't agree more when they say 'You can't pour from an empty cup' and when the flight attendant tells you 'To put your own oxygen mask on first.'

What I (and perhaps you) should be doing is practicing regular self care. Making it part of my routine. Nourishing my body with nutritious food and daily movement. Exercising not to loose weight but to celebrate what my body can do. If I want the chocolate that I so dearly love, then eating the chocolate and not beating myself up about it. Slowing down. Noticing the small stuff. Being kind to myself (treating myself like I would a friend.) Spending precious time with my family and friends. Giving my time and energy to the people who deserve it. Taking time out when I need it. Practicing what I preach- what I tell each and every one of those beautiful girls that set a foot in the bell tent.

I am beautiful, as are you.

I am strong, as are you.

I am resilient, as are you.

My body is amazing, as is yours.

My mental health is important, as if yours.

I am caring, as are you.

I am woman, as are you.

I am me, as are you.

Make yourself some promises to improve your self care. Have a giggle at yourself. Treat yourself like you would treat your bestie. Share your struggles with someone you trust. Embrace the perfectly imperfect woman that makes you you.

Love Kimberli xx

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